
Blogs, resources and industry news

This comprehensive guide is designed to empower businesses to harness the potential of Copilot through strategic adoption.


Dive deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence, exploring its impact and the future ahead.


This guide explores the key insights and strategies we used and the lessons we learned from moving into our new premises.


This summary contains information for staff on how to stay aware of current cyber security risks and the role they play in keeping data safe.


If you believe that you could conduct your meetings in a more efficient, productive way then our Better Meetings Guide will help.


Small-to-medium businesses can remain agile by embracing technology to fuel their long-term strategy and lessen the impact of inflation.


The role of the CIO has evolved over time. This eBook examines an emerging alternative worth considering, the Virtual CIO (vCIO).



Windows Recall takes a screenshot every five seconds. Cybersecurity researchers say the system is simple to abuse—and one ethical hacker has already built a tool to show how easy it really is.

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With just a few dollars, a little time, and a smart brute-force guessing algorithm, most passwords can be cracked in much less time than you might imagine.

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Last Ignite we showed our plans for Copilot in Outlook and how the new Outlook for Windows would get the most recent features first. We also know that our customers still rely on the classic version of Outlook for a lot of their work and to improve their Copilot experience we have been rolling out Copilot features into classic Outlook over the last few months.

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Microsoft is announcing some fairly major changes for Windows and the Surface lineup as part of its Build developer conference this week, but there’s one thing that’s definitely not coming, at least not right now: a Windows 12 update.

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Dell Technologies has sent notices to millions of customers warning that data including full names and physical addresses was stolen during a security incident.

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Google I/O just ended — and it was packed with AI announcements. As expected, the event focused heavily on Google’s Gemini AI models, along with the ways they’re being integrated into apps like Workspace and Chrome.

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The Volkswagen Group has fallen victim to a sophisticated hacking incident, with over 19,000 sensitive documents stolen. Investigations point towards a possible involvement of Chinese hackers, raising concerns over international cyber espionage and the security of global automotive giants.

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October 14, 2025, is the date. Most versions of Windows 10 are set to be retired by then, and Microsoft and its hardware partners are keen to get users onto Windows 11. However, a raft of productivity apps are also due to drop out of support, meaning a double or triple whammy for administrators dealing with upgrades.

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Cisco’s Talos security team is warning of a large-scale credential compromise campaign that’s indiscriminately assailing networks with login attempts aimed at gaining unauthorized access to VPN, SSH, and web application accounts.

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